Child Development - The 10 Year Old
10 year-olds *
Physical ►
- large muscles are developing quickly
- desperately needs outdoor time and physical challenge
- often writes more sloppily than at nine
- snacks and rest periods benefit their rapidly growing bodies
Social-Emotional ►
- generally content; enjoy family, peers, and teachers
- friendly, generally happy; quick to anger and quick to forgive
- works very well in groups; enjoys clubs, activities, and team sports
- usually truthful; developing more mature sense of right and wrong
- highly sensitive to and able to resolve questions of fairness and other social situations
- able to enjoy cooperative and competitive activities
- quite concerned with friendship and fairness issue
- eager to reach out to others
- enjoy being noticed and rewarded for their efforts
Language ►
- listens well
- reads voraciously
- expressive and talkative; likes to explain things
Cognitive ►
- very good at memorizing facts
- increasingly able to think abstractly; enjoys rules and logic; good at solving problems
- enjoys collecting, classifying, and organizing
- can concentrate for long periods
- takes pride in school work
- enjoys choral reading, singing, poetry and plays
* Yardsticks , by Chip Wood, 3rd Edition.